I am because we are
The world has a heartbeat
A drum one can hear in the dark night, if it is silent
It does not sound through the fields or across the desert
It does not crash with the waves
It is deep
You can feel it
In your belly and in your fingers
But you need to slow down
And remember what has been forgotten
A wholeness that calls from the inside
Like family
And asks you to come home
To Africa
Ubuntu Gold weaves together distinct African motifs to represent people who call Africa home and believe in her greater good. We focus on similarities, rather than differences.
The centered spiral, omnipresent in our world, is a natural symbol of Ubuntu. Emanating endlessly from its origin, it represents the limitless potential of those who recognise the influence and importance of community.
94 dots encircle the circumference, representing South Africa’s first free and fair election in 1994. A moment that ignited hope of a prosperous and harmonious future for Africa and its people.
The converse is Mother Africa. Fierce protector and nurturer.
The ethical standards of Ubuntu Gold, from metal through process to piece, are of the finest in
the world. The gold was legitimately and responsibly sourced. It was beneficiated on South
African soil, with refining processes that meet international environmental standards. Ubuntu
Gold is crafted at MetCon.
99.99% pure gold